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New! We are now a Ice Cream Factory retailer! Click here to order for pick up!
719 Market St. Beatrice, NE

Explore Beatrice!
Bike Rental Rates:
Test Ride Fees:
(Fee is refunded if purchased within 30 days)
Pedal Bike: $15
E Bike: $30
Single-8 Speed Cruiser or Kid's Bike:
2 Hr: $10
4Hr: $15
8 Hr: $20
Mountain Bike, Road, Touring, or Tandem
2 Hr: $20
4 Hr: $30
8 Hr: $40
E-Bike or E-Trike:
2 Hr: $40
4 Hr: $55
8 Hr: $80
Child/Pet/Cargo Trailer:
2 Hr: $5
4 Hr: $10
8 Hr: $15
Must be 18 years or older to rent and present a valid
driver's license or identification license.
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